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Lake Country Painting Contractor, Painting Company and Painter

(778) 363-2007

Painting Estimates

Get a Painting Estimate

If you’re like a lot of homeowners today, you may be trying to give your home a makeover. You might want to up its value for resale, or maybe you want to repair some damages. In any case, you’ve likely wondered about the cost to paint a house. It can be hard to figure this out for yourself, as there are so many varying factors. Luckily, you can get an estimate. An estimate is a rough guess of the cost of performing a service. With this information, you can better plan your home renovation project and budget your time and money.

What Goes into an Estimate?

You’ve probably asked yourself, “how much do painters charge, anyway?”. It’s a pretty simple process. To get the best estimate possible, a painting company such as Beyond Walls Painting will calculate several factors. We pay our contractors hourly, so we estimate how long your project will take to complete and multiply their wages by that amount. We also consider the cost of paint. The sum of these two numbers will give you your estimate. This estimate is meant to be a rough guide to help you figure out your budget as well as ours.

Getting an Estimate

It’s always a good idea to get an estimate. There is no average cost to paint a house or a room, as space and size can be very different from one place to another. The best way to figure out the cost to paint a room in your house is to contact one of our representatives. They’ll ask you a few preliminary questions, and you can choose to book an appointment if you wish. During the in-person appointment, one of our staff members will do a walk-through of your potential project space. We’ll calculate the painting cost per square foot and come up with a reasonable rate for our painting services.

How to Book

If you’re ready to get your estimate, there are a few options for booking your walk-through. You can book an appointment either on the phone or via our website. Feel free to email us with any questions or comments you might have about the process. We’re always happy to talk to our clients.

Your Options

Once you’ve gotten your estimate, it’s your choice to go through with the project. As far as prices go, we always strive to give our clients a fair and honest price. In our opinion, you won’t find a better cost to paint a room or exterior wall from any other painting company. Feel free to compare our estimate against an online painting cost calculator, or against another company’s estimate. You won’t find better prices for work as excellent as Beyond Walls Painting’s.

Don’t delay, call today. Your home improvement project starts now.
